A) Christian Democratic Party ACT DivisionVotes%
BYRNE, Erol Francis 604 1.01
JANES, Thelma 766 1.28
Group total 1370 2.29
B) The ACT GreensVotes%
JENSEN, Graham 1991 3.33
KELLY, Kathryn 2345 3.92
Group total 4336 7.25
C) Liberal PartyVotes%
DOSZPOT, Steve 3483 5.83
PRATT, Steve 3621 6.06
PURCELL, Megan 2229 3.73
SCHILLING, Karen 1987 3.32
SMYTH, Brendan 12810 21.43
Group total 24130 40.37
D) ACT DemocratsVotes%
BEW, Rowena 524 0.88
EMERSON, Marc 400 0.67
Group total 924 1.55
E) Liberal Democratic PartyVotes%
GARRETT, David 233 0.39
HARDING, Matthew 209 0.35
Group total 442 0.74
F) Australian Labor Party, Australian Capital TerritoryVotes%
GENTLEMAN, Mick 4419 7.39
HARGREAVES, John 10634 17.79
LEAHY, Paschal 3752 6.28
LOGUE, Rebecca 3572 5.98
MacDONALD, Karin 4960 8.30
Group total 27337 45.74
G) UngroupedVotes%
DOBLE, Burl 782 1.31
ELLIOTT, Stephanie (FRC) 348 0.58
MUIR, Lance (ACTEP) 100 0.17
Ungrouped total 1230 2.06
Total Formal Votes 59769 97.26
Informal Votes 1682 2.74
Total Votes 61451 94.14
Enrolment 65279  
Quota 9962
Our electoral system
Elections in the ACT
Electorate boundaries
Current Members of the legislative assembly
Previous Assembly elections
2024 election
2020 election
2016 election
2012 election
2008 election
2004 election
2001 election
1998 election
1995 election
1992 election
1989 election
ATSIEB elections
2024 ATSIEB election
2021 ATSIEB election
2017 ATSIEB election
2014 ATSIEB election
2011 ATSIEB election
2008 ATSIEB election
Casual vacancies
Casual vacancies in the 10th Legislative Assembly (2020-2024)
Casual vacancies in the ninth Legislative Assembly (2016-2020)
Casual vacancies in the eighth Legislative Assembly (2012-2016)
Casual vacancies in the seventh Legislative Assembly (2008-2012)
Casual vacancies in the sixth Legislative Assembly (2004-2008)
Casual vacancies in the fifth Legislative Assembly (2001-2004)
Casual vacancies in the fourth Legislative Assembly (1998-2001)
Casual vacancies in the third Legislative Assembly (1995-1998)
Casual vacancies in the second Legislative Assembly (1992-1995)
Casual vacancies in the first Legislative Assembly (1989-1992)
1995 Referendum
1992 Referendum
1978 Referendum