Section 110A of the Electoral Act 1992 provides for candidate information to be published on Elections ACT's website.

The order of candidate information below is an order determined by lot.

This information has been provided by the respective candidates. The ACT Electoral Commission takes no responsibility nor bears liability for the content contained within, outside the requirements of the Electoral Act.

In accordance section 110A(6) of the Electoral Act (1992) if the commissioner is satisfied on reasonable grounds that any information given to the commissioner for publication includes content that is obscene, defamatory or otherwise unlawful, the commissioner must not publish that part of the information.

Yvette BERRY (ACT Labor)

A photograph of Yvette Berry

My name's Yvette. I’m a single mum with two kids. I’ve lived in West Belconnen all my life. I am also the proud mum of three rescue dogs, Cassie, Baxter and Nala. I love watching basketball, especially our beloved Canberra Capitals.

Equity and fairness are the values that drive me. Before I was in politics, I worked as a bartender, and then a community organiser in the union movement, representing workers to win fairer wages and better conditions.

I coordinated the Big Steps campaign to win recognition through professional wages for Early Childhood Educators.

For many years I’ve worked to represent and protect the interests of workers and single parents in my community. I always try to engage with and genuinely represent the interests of the people of Belconnen and protect the rights of those who are vulnerable.

Throughout my time in politics, I’m proud to have worked to make education more equitable for children, no matter their background. I introduced free laptops for all public secondary school students, and started the Education Equity Fund to help families with the costs of schooling.

I brought in free preschool for three-year-olds, saving most families around $1300 a year. And now I’m rolling out free meals in schools, because kids can’t learn on an empty stomach.

I’ve worked hard to ensure that Belconnen gets its fair share of infrastructure, including upgrading dozens of local sporting fields and pavilions, including major upgrades to Hawker, Higgins and Holt Ovals, and getting the new Belconnen half-pipe built.

As Minister for Housing, I’ve built more public homes than ever before. But there’s more work to do.

We’ve achieved a lot together, but there’s more to do. I want to continue working with the community to make Belconnen an even better place to live.

I will continue to deliver more and better public schools in Belconnen, including upgrades to classrooms and playgrounds at 15 public schools across Belconnen.

As a lover of all things sport, I’m excited about Labor’s plan to expand the Belconnen Basketball stadium, upgrade the facilities at the Charnwood netball courts, and upgrade Latham Oval and its facilities.

I will continue to listen to the community about what they want to see for our region, including upgrading local shops such as Charnwood and Kippax and introducing a new West Belconnen Rapid bus service from Ginninderry to the City.

With your support, I’ll make sure that everybody in our community gets a fair crack at happiness.
Thank you for trusting me to represent you.

Authorised by Ash van Dijk for ACT Labor

Social media 1: Facebook: @YvetteSBerry

Social media 2: Instagram: @yvette_berry_mla


Adele SINCLAIR (The ACT Greens)

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Rick HOWARD (Labour DLP)

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Angela LOUNT (Belco Party)

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Elizabeth KIKKERT (Family First)

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Jo CLAY (The ACT Greens)

No information provided


A photograph of Sean Sadimoen

Hi I’m Sean Sadimoen, a new Labor candidate for Ginninderra. I’m proud of my Irish and Indonesian heritage and to be the first Labor candidate for Ginninderra from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.

I grew up in a small business family. My dad ran a pest control business and my mum ran a recruitment company. I saw first hand how tough it can be to run a business and a family. That’s why if elected I will be a strong Labor voice for small businesses in Belconnen.

Like many young Canberrans I started out in insecure work. I worked in a warehouse, post room and moving furniture. I know what it feels like get to the end of the week and not know if you have work the next week. This experience inspired me to take up a career as a workplace relations specialist where for six years I have worked on policies to reduce wage theft and insecure work. That’s why I will always fight for secure jobs with good pay.

In my spare time I’m a stand up comedian and local actor. You may have seen me at open mic nights throughout Canberra and in Canberra Rep productions. This background gives me a fresh perspective on the issues that are facing Belconnen and Canberra.

I’m a proud Beclo boy and I have loved listening to our community during the campaign. I love living where we live and I want to work hard to make it even better. I’ve been committed to the community in Belconnen. I’ve been President of the Bruce Toastmasters Club, a member of the Belconnen Tennis Club and a participant in the Belconnen Community Council.

Based on your feedback I’m ready to fight for three things as you Labor MLA.

1. Better Buses for Belconnen

I’ve gone on every bus in Belconnen and spoken to commuters from Kippax to Belconnen town centre. I know that many people rely on buses to get to work, medical appointments and to see family and friends and I will always advocate for better bus services for Belconnen.

2. Better Building Quality

Many people have raised concerns with building quality and strata management in Belconnen. As an apartment resident myself I know how important this is. If elected I will fight for better building quality and regulation of the construction sector.

3. Supporting small businesses

Coming from a small business family I will be a strong Labor voice for small businesses in Belconnen. I will support them to grow and fight for secure, well paid local jobs.

Throughout the campaign I have listened with care and empathy to people in our community. I will continue to do that if I’m elected. I will work with the Labor team to deliver a better Belconnen.

Authorised by Ash van Dijk for ACT Labor

Social media 1: Facebook: @seanforginninderra

Social media 2: Instagram: @seanforginninderra


Maxwell SPENCER (Labour DLP)

No information provided

Heidi PROWSE (ACT Labor)

A photograph of Heidi Prowse

Heidi Prowse is your new Labor candidate running to represent Ginninderra in the ACT Legislative Assembly, driven by her passion for community advocacy. Heidi moved to Canberra for a short work secondment, she met her late husband Andrew, who lived with cystic fibrosis and decided to make Canberra her home, now living in Higgins. Their love story was shaped by resilience, knowing their time together would be short, but it inspired Heidi to make the most of every moment and become a fierce advocate for those with cystic fibrosis. As "Head Santa" in the Santa Speedo Shuffle fundraiser, Heidi helped raise $1 million, showing that with community spirit, we can make real, lasting change. This experience gave her a deep understanding of the struggles faced by many families dealing with disability or chronic illness, and it strengthened her belief that no one in our community should feel unsupported, especially when times are tough. Heidi’s journey is about creating a more compassionate Canberra, where everyone is cared for. Heidi was awarded the ACT Young Australian of the Year for this work and later an Order of Australia medal (OAM) for services to community health.

At the same time, Heidi has worked to transform the reach and impact of non-profits, understanding that meaningful change comes through collaboration and strategic leadership. As CEO of MIEACT, she expanded mental health education services for Canberra’s youth, tripling its impact and helping young people better understand and manage their mental health. Her ability to co-design programs with the community was instrumental in making sure these services reflected real needs, a skill recognised when awarded the ACT Telstra Business Woman of the Year. Heidi’s work goes beyond the professional sphere—she gives back through her roles as a netball coach, a member of health committees and panels, and as a board member for local organisations. Her hands-on involvement shows her commitment to strengthening our community from the ground up, making sure everyone has the support and opportunities they need to thrive.

Through her deep engagement with the Ginninderra community, Heidi has listened to the concerns of families, small business owners, and individuals who are struggling with rising costs, limited affordable housing, and services that don’t meet their needs. She knows that these challenges require more than just talk—they need practical, focused action from a representative who has the experience and skills to deliver real solutions. With her background in community engagement, co-design, and business development, Heidi is ready to advocate for more affordable housing, better access to mental health services, and a stronger environment where local businesses can grow. She believes that everyone in Ginninderra deserves a representative who will ensure that policies reflect the real, everyday challenges our community faces. Heidi believes that we can create a future for Ginninderra that is fairer, more inclusive, and filled with opportunity for all.

Authorised by Ash van Dijk for ACT Labor

Public contact number: 0411 934 422

Social media 1: Facebook: @heidiforginninderra

Social media 2: Instagram: @heidiforginninderra


Tim LIERSCH (The ACT Greens)

No information provided

Alan TUTT (Belco Party)

A photograph of Alan Tutt

My name is Alan Tutt,

I was born and raised in Canberra, I have lived here for most of my life, bar the 5 years I spent in Melbourne and Adelaide during my football career. I have resided here in the Ginninderra district for most of my life.

I went to school at Ainslie Primary and Dickson High. After leaving school I undertook a trades qualification obtaining a certificate as a Boiler Maker/Welder. In sport I played as a rover in three premierships for the Ainslie AFL Club and was an ACT Representative player before leaving Canberra to play for St Kilda in Melbourne and then playing for the South Adelaide Panthers in SA. My greatest achievement in football was to be named in the ACT Team of the Century. Throughout my life I have played various other sports on different levels including Baseball, Rugby, Cricket, Soccer and Softball. I have a very strong sporting background.

When I returned to Canberra, I joined the public service in 1984 and worked in several departments including Defence and Industry Science and Technology before leaving to establish my own business.

My wife and I have 2 children who both attended schools in Scullin and Hawker. For the last 25 years I have run my own business and have a small shop front in Hawker. I understand why people tell me they cannot afford to live in their home any longer or maintain their small business, I understand their struggle because it has also affected me and my family.

The reason why I am running as a candidate for the Belco Party in Ginninderra is because I am passionate about Canberra and want to reinstate stability and community values to the people. This current government has made life very difficult for the residents of Canberra by skyrocketing our rates (even when the AUV of your property decreases), to the point where some people have to sell their homes. They have depleted funds to our health systems, challenging health and disability groups as well as sporting groups, and junior sports. As a person involved with junior sport, I have seen firsthand the effects lack of funding has towards these sports groups. Because of the government’s control of clubs funding these sports are diminishing. I believe junior sport is so important to the development of children, physically, emotionally, socially and I want these sports to flourish as these children are the adults of our future, and not take their funding and ovals away.

The current government have depleted and distorted the bus services which is affecting people considerably. And importantly the emergency services, police, ambulance, fire all in need of more funding to provide us with proper services. I have found that these are some of the more important issues people have raised with me and are very concerned about.

Let me be your voice and bring your concerns to the table. I want your voices to be heard, let’s make some changes for the better.

Authorised by Angela Lount for Belco Party (ACT)

Public contact number: 0414 447 128


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Bill STEFANIAK (Belco Party)

A photograph of Bill Stefaniak

Hi my name is Bill Stefaniak,

I was born in the old Canberra hospital like his two (2) colleagues also running for the Belco Party. In Ginninderra, Alan Tutt and Angela Lount making them the only party candidates running on the same ticket wo were all born and bred in Canberra.

Bill went to Griffith Infants, Red Hill Primary an Narrabundah High before doing Arts/Law at ANU. He practiced law as solicitor and crown prosecutor and was a member of the first Assembly (1989-1992) being he only Canberra born member elected. He served in subsequent Assemblies from 1994 to 2008 in government and opposition had has been Attorney General, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Education and Training, Housing Children Youth and Family Services, Sport Recreation and Racing.

I was also Opposition leader before leaving the Assembly to become the inaugural Appeal President of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal then serving thee (3) years on the AAT as a Senior Member in Sydney before returning to Canberra to look after his beloved wife Shirley who sadly passed away after a valiant fight against cancer in October 2022. He was also a Major in the ARES and has taught at the CIT.

He has a proven track record as a Minister and was a popular and competent local member or Ginninderra from 1994 to 2008. He is remembered for tightening up the Bail Act which saw the burglary rate drop 50% in six (6) months, reforming the Crimes ACT to make it easier for Police to charge Criminals as well as introducing improvements in our electorate such as building the Belconnen Pool (CISAC), revitalising public housing in NW Belconnen introducing literacy and numeracy testing and compulsory sport and PE in our schools, and paving the streets of Hall amongst other things.

Unlike the current government members, he showed himself quite capable of ensuring footpaths were looked after and the grass was regularly mowed.

Bill is hot to trot again and if elected will be the only non-government member with ministerial experience.

Bill is a widower and has 4 children now as his youngest son Joe was killed in a tragic car accident in 2018. He still plays veterans rugby.

Authorised by Angela Lount for Belco Party (ACT)

Public contact number: 0420 300 807


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Tara CHEYNE (ACT Labor)

A photograph of Tara Cheyne

G’day! I’m Tara—your local Labor member for Ginninderra and a Minister in the ACT Government. Like you, I live here because I love it—and I care. I work hard to make a difference and to get great results on the things that matter for Belconnen and our community.

I pride myself on being available and accessible, and an effective advocate. Whether it’s giving a hand at a local sausage sizzle, conducting regular mobile offices (no matter the weather!), or standing up for human rights, I'm connected and committed to our community. You can continue to count on me to be your voice—and to get the job done.

Our community’s values have guided me in delivering positive change on the issues we care about. It’s why I doggedly championed Territory rights since I was first elected. And it’s why I worked hard to deliver voluntary assisted dying legislation so soon after those rights were restored—laws which are the most person-centric and evidence-based in the country, and which resoundingly passed the Legislative Assembly 20 votes to 5.

Those same values are also why I’ve led and achieved reforms to improve our lives and that of future generations, including the ACT becoming the first state or territory to legislate the right to a healthy environment, increasing funding and fairness across the arts, and modernising our night-time economy laws.

I have a proven track record of taking the time to understand what matters to you, shaping our commitments based on those conversations. and then getting them done. It’s why we’ve invested in local upgrades across Belconnen, from Aranda to Evatt, and Charnwood to Macquarie. And it’s these conversations with our community that continue to guide what’s next. That’s why I’m excited to get to work on:

  • Enhancing Margaret Timpson Park to be the Town Centre’s premier green space, with a new playground, public toilet, BBQs, picnic tables, landscaping, and an accessible ramp to the park.
  • Widening the Emu Bank Foreshore, with the addition of more suitable tree species, landscaping, murals, and picnic tables, and a water play area at Emu Inlet.
  • Providing more housing close to services and shopping centres.
  • Delivering the new North Canberra Hospital, so you can get better healthcare, closer to home
  • Delivering all-abilities playgrounds in Florey and at Charnwood-Dunlop School, and upgraded playgrounds in McKellar and at Umbagong Park.
  • Creating a $5 million footpath upgrade fund dedicated to Belconnen.
  • Delivering all stages of the Lake Ginninderra path widening.
  • Improving sporting amenities at the Charnwood netball courts, and Latham and Jamison Ovals.
  • Delivering more shop upgrades and improved skate facilities at Kippax and Charnwood.

That’s just some of what I’m looking forward to delivering for Belconnen in a re-elected ACT Labor Government.

Keep me working for you by voting 1 Tara Cheyne, and the rest of our ACT Labor candidates in the order of your choice.

Authorised by Ash van Dijk for ACT Labor

Public contact number: 0461 291 001

Social media 1: Facebook: @taraforginninderra

Social media 2: Instagram: @in_the_taratory


Janine HASKINS (Independent)

A photograph of Janine Haskins

I’m Janine Haskins, a proud Canberran, born and raised right here. Growing up in Aranda and attending Belconnen’s public schools has enriched me with a deep understanding of our community’s needs and objectives.

As a strong and passionate social justice advocate, I am dedicated to championing the rights of marginalised people, as I understand the benefits to our entire community.

On a deeply personal level, I was introduced to Canberra’s politics and bureaucracy in February 2020 following the unexpected and tragic death of my 23-year-old daughter, Brontë.

Our family desperately sought answers, and my journey commenced, contacting several government organisations, including members of the Assembly.

I wrote numerous e-mails to MLAs, and metaphorically, kept banging on their doors to gain their attention. It was hard work, and I became disillusioned by the people voted in to serve our community.

And, that is one of the main reasons I am running in the election; to ‘walk the walk’, not just ‘talk the talk’. I will listen, hear and act upon issues raised by members of the Canberra community.

I have worked in local community services for over 30 years in the areas of disability, mental health, criminal justice, child and youth protection services (CYPS), as well as at the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).

I have worked with people experiencing homelessness, those who are released from prison and with those living with intimate and partner violence. I currently work in the disability sector whilst continuing to advocate for coronial, prison and mental health reform.

Canberra has the highest rates of recidivism and over representation of first nation’s people (in our prison) in Australia; we need to do more to rehabilitate detainees prior to their release.

As a community advocate for the Alliance for Coronial Reform (ACR), I was recently involved in identifying areas of concern within the coronial jurisdiction, resulting in a report recently tabled by Attorney-General, Mr Shane Rattenbury, in the Assembly.

This was a ‘process’ of exploring coronial restorative reform processes to support families and loved ones navigating the coronial space. We are hopeful that the recommendations within the report will be endorsed and implemented; this will be instrumental in reducing preventable deaths.

I have always advocated and fought for those whose voices often go unheard. I speak the truth even when the truth challenges established beliefs. I am fully committed to continuing this work in the ACT Assembly and I seek to bring fresh perspectives to create a fair and inclusive community where every voice is valued.

My personal qualities include kindness, empathy and integrity, transparency and accountability in my commitment to representing our community in the Assembly.

One priority is to realise the vision of Canberra as a “restorative” and progressive city. We need to proactively address the issues facing community, and together, strive to make this vision a reality in all senses.

Together, we can create a compassionate, equitable Canberra where everyone thrives.

Simply, ‘Together, we do better.’ And I will deliver the goods!

Authorised by Janine Haskins, candidate for Ginninderra

Public contact number: 0425 273 484

Social media 1: Facebook@Janine Haskins - Independent for Ginninderra

Social media 2: Facebook@Alliance for Coronial Reform

Social media 3: Linkedin


No information provided

Leanne FORESTI (Independents for Canberra)

A photograph of Leanne Foresti

I am the proud mother of four children. My husband and I own and operate a small concrete remediation business and have been servicing Canberra for almost a decade. I’ve lived in Ginninderra on and off for over 38 years. I have worked in construction, small business, not-for-profit health, hospitality, tourism, and immigration.

My political journey began in 2021. I was fed up with inaction around the skills and labour shortages and its impact on the small business community. Through the advocacy work I did for small business with Senator Pocock and Thomas Emerson, I knew that the ACT needed the accessibility, accountability and action that Team Pocock was achieving federally, done locally. That’s why I’ve decided to run as an independent candidate for the Independents for Canberra movement.

I’ll continue to fight for small business. We are the drivers of the economic growth and jobs creation in the territory. The costs associated with running a business in the ACT and too many regulatory requirements are forcing many businesses to close their doors.

I will continue to push for major education and training reforms to inspire, motivate and empower our youth in finding their purpose and to give them a sense of belonging. Teachers and educators urgently need more support to prevent burnout and to protect their mental health.

As Canberrans we shouldn’t have to leave the territory to access basic and specialist healthcare services. Our healthcare workers are burnt out and feel unsupported. I stand for a health system that works for us while ensuring our healthcare workers are properly supported.

There is a deep disconnect in our society. Anxiety, depression and loneliness is on the rise. We know as humans we need a sense of belonging and to feel validated in the contributions we make to our society. I’m committed to increasing community connectedness and mental health support, because we know that a more connected society creates a happier, more supported and productive community.

We must do more to reduce violence against women and support men to stop ongoing generational trauma. As the nation’s capital we need to lead the way in closing the gap for our indigenous peoples.

As a country it’s vital that we no longer view migration as an experiment, but the very threads that provide strength and colour to the very fabric of our nation. Inaction, poor leadership and mismanagement by consecutive governments over the last 30 years, has caused the housing crisis and labour shortages we’re currently battling. We need a fairer and more efficient immigration system, one that’s effective in resolving the shortages in our most critical sectors.

My vision for Canberra transcends its public service identity. We need a representative for the working class in the Legislative Assembly. My upbringing and lived experience have deeply influenced my values and priorities. I lead with the courage of my convictions, and I will continue to champion the wellbeing of all the people of my community.

Authorised by Leigh Cox for Independents for Canberra


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Andrew WALLACE (Family First)

No information provided

Carolyne DREW (Animal Justice Party)

A photograph of Carolyne Drew

As a long-time member of the Ginninderra community and AJP candidate for the seat of Ginninderra, Carolyne wants to protect the environment that animals and people call home. With encroaching development as the population expands, Carolyne wants to bring about a new model of development based on kindness and compassion for both animals and people, and the environment itself, with the understanding that kindness and compassion underpins social justice and equity, important to the heart of any community.

A passionate advocate for animal rights, Carolyne has a particular interest in ending the annual kangaroo slaughter and banning landholder licences that allow killing of kangaroos in rural zones. In addition, Carolyne wants to end the scientific experimentation on animals such as the kangaroo fertility program and develop instead positive relationships to living with kangaroos in our green capital. Along with this she wants to ban the use of poisons as an animal control method because of its inherent cruelty and its threat not only to wildlife, but the well-being of peoples’ pets as well.

Further Carolyne wants to see the introduction of Veticare which will enable families to take better care of their pets when the need arises. It would allow them to choose treatment instead of facing the prospect of ending their pet’s life because of financial struggles.

Carolyne has a Bachelor of Communication and Master of Education. Carolyne has taught in the university education sector for over 20 years advocating for education as the pathway for change. Her life-long passion is to change the way we see our relationship with animals and the environment, from an often negative and destructive one to one of care and concern and that in caring for the environment and other animals we, in turn, are developing a healthier, more caring relationship with one another.

Here is your chance to vote for a kinder vision by voting number “1” for the AJP in Ginninderra.

Authorised by Carolyne Drew, candidate for Ginninderra


Sunil BABY (Family First)

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Douglas COOPER (Labour DLP)

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Guy JAKEMAN (Libertarian Party)

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Dani HUNTER (The ACT Greens)

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Joe PREVEDELLO (Canberra Liberals)

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Mignonne CULLEN (Ungrouped)

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Darren ROBERTS (Canberra Liberals)

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Lara DREW (Animal Justice Party)

A photograph of Lara Drew

Animal Justice Party Candidate for Ginninderra

Dr Lara Drew is a life-long activist for social justice and animal rights. Her advocacy work is grounded in a larger social justice framework inclusive of animals, people, and the environment.

For the past 16 years, she has led grassroots and public awareness initiatives to shine a spotlight on the atrocities of the kangaroo cull in the ACT and other animal rights issues. She fosters intersectional approaches to her advocacy with a desire to create a more just and equitable world for all.

The annual slaughter of kangaroos, distribution of poisons (like 1080 and Pindone), horse racing, chick hatching programs, and the abandonment of companion animals are just some of the problems in our community that need urgent fixing. As the “Bush Capital” all animals should be protected from unwarranted abuse and violence. Lara wants to ensure that all animals are firmly on the political agenda in the ACT.

Combined with her advocacy work, she holds a Bachelor of Community Education and a PhD in Adult Education. She researches and publishes in the field of adult learning, social movements, activism and Critical Animal Studies. Her research informs and shapes her advocacy work.

A vote for Lara, is a vote for animals, for people, and for the planet.

Authorised by Lara Drew - Animal Justice Party Candidate for Ginninderra


Mark RICHARDSON (Independents for Canberra)

A photograph of Mark Richardson

I was born in Albury, NSW in 1975. I was fortunate to have a great family unit around me and thoroughly enjoyed growing up in a regional city. I loved playing team sports and valued the connections made through the team environment. I considered myself to be a pretty good student, mostly well behaved, and completed my public school education in 1992, after which I moved to Melbourne where I completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne.

In late 1998, I moved to the ACT to join the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and still serve as a police officer. I reside in Belconnen but have lived in many different parts of the ACT over the last 26 years, barring a brief period living just outside Canberra.

My roles with the AFP have provided me with the skills and experience to handle most things that are thrown at me (sometimes literally). My first role in the AFP was general duties policing in the ACT which was an eye-opening experience. Despite Canberra being like a big country town in the late 90’s, it was in the grips of a heroin epidemic. Unfortunately, the scourge of illicit drugs hasn’t disappeared in the last 25 years.

In many ways, Canberra is still experiencing the same issues that were present in the late 1990’s. What I have found most concerning is the noticeable increase in people in our community experiencing mental health issues, homelessness and an increase in domestic violence incidents. Add to this the social impacts caused by low housing supply (private and public), a cost-of-living crisis and a struggling health system. Canberra has grown significantly, but many in our community are being left behind. Our community services sector is struggling to manage its ever-increasing demand for services and our road and public transport infrastructure is not keeping up with our population growth.

I have put myself forward to run as a candidate in the 2024 ACT Election for Independents for Canberra as I felt their values aligned with mine. No vested interests, no party politics, the ability to represent my community and my electorate. I want to bring accountability to the Legislative Assembly, ensuring transparency, integrity, effective and efficient use of public money. Independents have shown they are accessible to the electorate and fight for their community.

Whilst my passion is community safety, I have raised a family in Canberra, my children have been educated in Canberra, and my future is in Canberra. I want to be part of the solution for Canberra. It can be, and should be, a destination of choice for families, students, business owners and innovators. I am passionate and dedicated to facilitating real change to make Canberra a safe and prosperous community for people from all walks of life. With my firsthand experience working collaboratively with and listening to Canberra’s diverse community, industry and organisations I am in a strong position to advocate for real change.

Authorised by Leigh Cox, for Independents for Canberra


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Helen CROWE (Labour DLP)

No information provided


A photograph of Tim Bavinton

Tim's a dad to two teenagers, a community sector leader and a lifelong Canberran.

He grew up in Belconnen and is a proud product of a stellar public education through Giralang Primary, Kaleen High School and Lake Ginninderra College. He studied languages and history at the Australian National University, and later a teaching degree at the University of Canberra.

He believes strongly in lifelong learning and the need for our education institutions to be available to all.

His career calling has been to community work. Early in his career he helped set up youth health education programs and services here in Canberra, including the Junction Youth Health Service. He went on to set up the men’s sexual assault service response - SAMSSA - at the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre.  For a long time now he's worked in the family planning and sexual health space as an educator, trainer and most recently - for the better part of two decades - with Canberra's sexual and reproductive health and rights organisation.

He's been fortunate to grow up in a community with strong bonds, supports and opportunities. But recognises that not all people in our community experience that. That's why he wants to use his skills, experience and track-record to help build a better, fairer and more inclusive Canberra for all Canberrans - now and for generations to come.

And that's why Tim's running as a Labor candidate for Ginninderra.

Authorised by Ash van Dijk for ACT Labor

Public contact number: 0425 455 034

Social media 1: Facebook: @tim4ginninderra

Social media 2: Instagram: @timforginninderra


Suzanne NUCIFORA (Independents for Canberra)

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Chiaka BARRY (Canberra Liberals)

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Peter CAIN (Canberra Liberals)

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Arved VON BRASCH (Libertarian Party)

No information provided